Here's to Wacky Worlds

The LSC and are proud to welcome you to! This is the first time we have done a page like this so forgive us for the inconsistencies till those are worked out. Squirrels will be working tirelessly for your convenience!

Luckily for us, this is where all of it will happen, the amazing adventures of Matt. Yes, I know, excited yet? I am. This is, like I said, the very first time I made a site like this. It took hours of looking over code, trying to learn where things were being called from and where they led to. Eventually after tireless work, I made it to what you are looking at right now! Hope it's pleasing to your eye.

Now to the real point, this site is here to provide you with my first hand experiences and photos of my adventures. Adventures, what adventures? Well seeing as I graduate this upcoming May, I'm looking to make my entire life an adventure and I would love to share it with my friends.

Take your time, look over the site, and most of all enjoy!

Mostly all of you should know how to touch base with me, if not refer to the contact page. Please send all your feed back and suggestions on this site to my e-mail.